Sociology and Social Anthropology are closely related social science disciplines. They study the ways in which people live together under various social and cultural conditions. By exploring the multifaceted dimensions of human societies, they seek to understand human behaviour, social interactions and institutional structures in all their diversity.
The study of societal development – the cultural, technological, economic and societal transformations that trace the evolution of human societies and civilizations and the emergence of contemporary peoples, social organizations, institutions, states, economies and cultures – is central to the study of social order and disorder in anthropology and sociology.
Likewise, the study of the multiplicity of cultures and cultural engagement – and among these, of differences of race, ethnicity, and gender – stands at the heart of the study of contemporary societies and the long sweep of their historical development, as it is informed by the study of our disciplines.
Sociology and Social Anthropology not only share a profound general interest in human societies and cultures, but specifically share strong and mutual interests in:
- Global Studies, and overlapping area studies;
- Inter-disciplinary, the crossing of artificial departmental boundaries;
- The link between theory and practice;
- Applied work, such as community service, internships and ethnographic field activity; and Fieldwork and
- An interest in language and communication.
- 2. Rationale
The rationale for the present curriculum revision is based on the findings of the need assessment surveys which were conducted by various institutions and Ministry of Education (MoE) to find out the types of skills and knowledge required by various stakeholders and to determine the content and focus areas of the Curriculum of the department of Sociology and Social Anthropology in Ethiopia public higher institutions. Read More
Year I, Semester I
Course Code Course Title Credit HR
SSAN | 201 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
SSAN | 211 | Social Institution I | 3 |
SSAN | 221 | Methods of Social Research I | 3 |
SSAN | 231 | Introduction to Social Anthropology | 3 |
Flen.201 | Writing Skills | 3 | |
GEEd 233 | Civic & Ethical Education | 3 |
Semester Total 18 Crs
Year I, Semester II
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
SSAN | 212 | Social Institution II | 3 |
SSAN | 222 | Methods of Social Research II | 3 |
SSAN | 232 | Anthropological Theories | 3 |
Pop. 202 | Introduction to Population Studies | 3 | |
Inst.205 | Information and Society | 3 |
Semester Total 15Cr
Year II, Semester I
Course Code Course Title Cr/HR
SSAN | 312 | Sociological Theories I: Classical perspectives | 3 |
SSAN | 223 | Ethnographic Studies | 3 |
SSAN | 321 | Economic Anthropology | 3 |
Stat. 270 Statistics for Sociologists 4
Phil 202 Introduction to Logic 3
Epsy.341 Int. to Social Psychology 3 total 19
Semester II
Course Code Course Title Cr/hrs
SSAN | 312 | Sociological Theories II: Contemporary | 3 | |
SSAN | 322 | Social Development | 3 | |
SSAN | 332 | Political Anthropology | 3 | |
SSAN | 342 | Sociology of Work, Industry & Orgn | 3 | |
SSAN | 362 | Gender, Ethnicity and & Race | 3 | |
SSAN | 352 | The Anthropology of Pastoral Societies | 3 | |
total | 18 |
Year III, Semester I
Course Code Course Title Credit hr
SSAN 412 Social Policy & Planning 4
SSAN 421 Rural Sociology 3
SSAN 451 Sociology of Deviance 3
SSAN 431 Social Issues in the Contemporary world I: 3
SSAN 461 Social Welfare and Administration 3
PPM 464 Project Planning and Management 3
Semester Total 19 Crs
Year III, Semester II
Course Code Course Title Credit
SSAN 452 Criminology & Correctional Admin. 3
SSAN 402 Rural Development 3
SSAN 422 Urban Sociology 3
SSAN 432 Social Issues in the Contemporary world II: 3
MSI 462 Method in social intervention 3
SSAN 442 Senior Essay : Fieldwork and Writing up 4
Semester Total 19 Crs
Course Breakdown for Extension Division
Year I, Term I
Course Code | Course Title | Credit hours |
SSAN 201
SSAN 211
EnLa. 201 |
Introduction to Sociology
Social Institution I: Writing Skill |
3 |
Sub total | 9 |
Term II
Course Code | Course Title | Credit hours |
SSAN 221
SSAN 231 Phil 101 |
Method of Social Research I
Int. to Social Anthropology Logic |
3 3 |
Sub total | 9 |
Term III
Course Code | Course Title | Credit hours |
SSAN 222
SSAN 212 Inst. 205 |
Method of Social Research II
Social Institution II Information and Society |
3 3 |
Sub total | 9 |
Year II, Term I
Course Code | Course Title | Credit hours |
SSAN 232
SSAN 311 Pop. 202 |
Anthropological Theories
Sociological Theories I: classical perspectives Introduction to Population Studies |
3 3 |
Sub total | 9 |
Term II
Course Code | Course Title | Credit hours |
SSAN 312
SSAN 312 GEEd 233 |
Sociological Theories II
Contemporary perspectives Economic Anthropology Civic & Ethical Education |
3 3 |
Sub total | 9 |
Term III
Course Code | Course Title | Credit hours |
SSAN 223
Stat 270 Epsy. 341 |
Ethnography of Ethiopia
Statistics for Sociologists Int. to Social Psychology |
4 3 |
Sub total | 10 |
Year III, Term I
Course Code | Course Title | Credit
Hours |
SSAN 224
SSAN 322 SSAN 342 |
Ethnography of Africa
Social Development Sociology of Work, Industry and Organization |
3 3 |
Sub total | 9 |
Term II
Course Code | Course Title | Cr |
SSAN 352
SSAN 362 SSAN 421 |
The Anthropology of Pastoral Societies
Gender, culture and society Rural Sociology |
3 3 |
Sub total | 9 |
Term III
Course Code | Course Title | Cred it |
SSAN 451
SSAN 332 SSAN 462 |
Sociology of Deviance Juvenile Delinquency
Political Anthropology Methods in Social Intervention |
3 3 |
Sub total | 9 |
Course Code | Course Title | Cr/hr |
SSAN 411
SSAN 431 SSAN 402 |
Social Policy and Planning
Social Issues in the Contemporary world I: Rural Development |
3 3 |
Sub total | 10 |
Term II
Course Code | Course Title | Credit
hours |
SSAN 452
SSAN 431 SSAN 421 |
Criminology and Correctional
Administration Social Issues in the Contemporary world I: Urban Sociology |
3 3 |
Sub total | 9 |
Term III
Course Code | Course Title | Credit |
SSAN 461
SSAN 441 |
Field of Social Welfare and Administration
Senior Essay |
4 |
Sub total | 7 |