Library Services

Gage College Libraries

GAGE College has six libraries and one audio-visual and mini-library for Distance Education Division serving its students as well as academic and administrative staff.
The libraries have systematically collected
·         Books,

.         Journals.
·         Periodicals,
·         Newspapers,
·         Research materials,
·         CD-ROMs, and
Audio recordings to support the teaching-learning process and research, and to respond to the needs of all members of the College.
The libraries have a circulation desk where its staff will assist users to check-out library materials. The library staffs also recall and trace items that users cannot find in the stack and answer questions about circulation policy and issuance of borrowing cards.
2. Reference Service
Staffs are available at service desks in each library to help users find information and get proper services, collection, and resources of GAGE Computer Science and Business libraries. You can also contact the libraries via telephone and e-mail to get these services.
3. Periodical Service
Periodicals are one of the most valuable assets in the libraries as they are publications that contain up-to-date information.  They serve as a valuable research supplement to the other materials found in the libraries.
4. Inter-library Loan Service
GAGE College libraries provide inter-library loan service that facilitates borrowing and lending resources within GAGE College libraries.
5. Library Acquisitions
The acquisition is one of the technical services in GC libraries. The policy of GC libraries is developing an up-to-date library collection with a large number of books, periodicals, newspapers, and CD-ROMs.  The acquisition of materials is on-going, and new books and materials are consistently being added to the current collection.


E-Books are available at the link