Mission and Vision

Vision, Mission, Objective and Values of the College

Whereas a higher education institution  should be a sanctuary for the search, cultivation, preservation and transmission of knowledge through nurturing the habit of free inquiry and scholarship as well as research, and through the propagation of knowledge;

Whereas, Gage College’s  vision is to be among the leading private institutions in achieving national technical & vocational education & training and higher education institution objectives at all program levels;

Whereas, the College’s mission to offer training and education focusing on implementing all possible strategies to achieve national technical& vocational education & training, and higher education institution objectives;

Whereas, the shift from the traditional teacher-centered to student-centered educational process requires nothing short of a cultural transformation, necessitating wide-reaching behavioral and attitudinal change on the part of academic staff and students alike;

Whereas, the Senate Legislation and other rules of the College shall be made compatible with the Proclamation,  Council of Ministers Regulations and other new policies concerning institutions of higher education; and internal Academic Policy Harmonization Document; and the College’s policies;

Whereas, on account of the passage of time and, most importantly, by reason of the new external and internal developments, the earlier Senate Legislation and many other rules of the College do not adequately address many of these issues and concerns;

Now, therefore, this Senate Legislation is issued by the Senate of Gage College in accordance with Article 49 (3) of the Proclamation; Article 6 of the Council of Ministers Regulation No. 210/2011and Council of Ministers Regulation No. 214/2011.


The objectives of GC are to:

  • Prepare knowledgeable, skilled, and attitudinally mature graduates in numbers with a demand-based proportional balance of fields and disciplines so that the country shall become internationally competitive;
  • Promote and enhance research focusing on knowledge and technology transfer consistent with the country’s priority needs;
  • Ensure that  education  and  research  promote  freedom  of  expression based on reason and rational discourse and are free from biases and prejudices;
  • Design and provide community and consultancy services that shall cater to the developmental needs of the country;
  • Ensure institutional autonomy with accountability;
  • Ensure  the   participation   of   key  stakeholders  in   the   governance  of institutions;
  • Promote and uphold justice, fairness, and rule of law in institutional life;
  • Promote democratic culture and uphold multicultural community life;


GAGE College has committed itself to promote the following organizational and individual values both at institutional level and among its staffs.

Organizational Values

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