Computer Science

We live in an information age or its more refined form, nowadays called the knowledge age. Computers play a major role in shaping the information or the knowledge age. They are also becoming essential in almost all activities of human life. Furthermore, with the decline in the price of computer hardware, nations, organizations and individuals that couldn’t afford to have computers some years back can now afford to acquire them. However, the acquisition of the hardware is just one step towards computerization. The most important step is to be able to use them properly.

This necessitates for a high number of skilled computer scientists who will develop the necessary applications for the computers, who will administer the computer systems and who will decide on computer system acquisitions of the organizations and all automation processes in general.

A curriculum in Computer Science must be designed in such a way that it addresses the current needs of the country. Currently, the country has no sufficient number of competent computer professionals in the various fields of Computer Science. Various Governmental and other organizations have the desire to use modern information technology. However, there is an acute shortage of technical staff. The failure of many projects in IT in terms of implementation and sustainability is largely attributed to shortage of qualified professionals.

The major objectives of the Department of Computer Science are the following:

  • Education: to run Computer Science programs to undergraduate
  • Research: to formulate an integrated research framework by
    • identifying appropriate research projects for graduate students and staff
    • initiating multidisciplinary research collaborations, and
    • presenting and  publishing  research  results  in  appropriate  national/international journals and

Realizing the importance of Computer Science and the deficiency of skilled manpower in the field, Gage College wants to contribute by giving training at a B.Sc. degree program.

Gage College produces thousands of IT graduates at middle level who can serve as Computer operators, IT Assistants, and technicians.

The launching of the program has helped and continues to help our diploma graduates as well as diploma graduates in computer science of accredited institutions to upgrade their education by joining the program through advanced standing after passing the COC Exam. The Department also runs TVET programs up to level IV in Information Technology.

Gage College is one of the pioneer private higher education institutions with commendable achievements in teaching-learning, research and outreach activities since 1995 E.C.

So far, we have managed to graduate thousands of TVET students in different programs. In our continuous quest for improvement, we are increasingly strengthening the student support system in modes of learning.

We have very close relationship with the surrounding community, NGOs, neighboring schools, and business and industry which in many ways is enriching the training we offer to our students.

Schedule for the Extension Program

Year Semester I Semester II





CSC 101 Introduction to Computer Science 3 CSC 131 Fundamentals of Programming I 4
Math 103 Linear Algebra 3 Math 101 Calculus 4
CeEd 101 Civics and Ethical Education 3 Phys 104 Introduction to Electronics 3
Phil 201 Introduction to Logic 3
Total 12 Total 11
Summer Stat 201 Introduction to Statistics and Probability 4
CSC 255 Fundamentals of Database Management Systems 3
Total 7





Econ 102 Economics 3 CSC 213 Data Communications and Computer Networks 3
CSC 132 Fundamentals of Programming II 4 EnLa 101 Basic Writing Skills for Academic Matters 3
CSC 227 Computer Organization and Architecture 3 CSC 231 Object-Oriented Programming 4
Total 10 Total 10
Summer CSC 239 Rapid Application Development 3
Mgmt 204 Introduction to Business 3
Total 6






CSC 234 Assembly Language Programming 3 CSC 256 Advanced Database Management Systems 3
CSC 345 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 4  

CSC 232

Internet and Website Development  


Math 202 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics 3 Math 236 Numerical Analysis 4
CSC 351 E-Commerce 3
Total 13 Total 11
Summer Mgmt 307 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 3
CSC 354 Introduction to Information Storage and Retrieval 3
Total 6